Pub. 5 2017 Issue 3

Issue 3. 2017 5 No matter how you look at it, the bottom line is the same. We cannot let fear keep us from reaching out and connecting with people that have different interests, backgrounds and knowl- edge. The facilitation of this dynamic human interaction is what makes America great and it is what will make any organi- zation or industry stronger. And aside from all that, it is what truly makes us happy. There is pain and suffering all around, even in parts of the country that aren’t prone to hurricanes and other natural disasters. One of the things that I love most about represent- ing the banking industry is the fact that every day, we engage so directly in addressing these challenges in our community. Banks are connected to the good and the bad of every segment of our communities. The interests of every bank are directly tied to the condition of the community they serve, so it just makes sense for bankers to dive in and address the issues their communities are wrestling with. You may not hear a lot about it, but the banks in Texas will play a critical role in helping those communities recover from this di- saster. Banks have detailed contingency plans in place to make sure they are the first institutions up and running so that people have access to the resources they need to rebuild their lives. In fact, banks are working behind the scenes every day, in com- munities across America to help people recover from whatever crisis they encounter. Homelessness, hunger, domestic violence, illness, natural disasters, joblessness you name it, banks are in the middle of it with volunteers, grants and investments. Just in Utah, in addition to the $5 billion in taxes paid last year, Utah’s banks invested more than $5 billion into our low to mod- erate income communities, and provided more than $50 million in donations to non-profit organizations and over 400,000 hours of volunteer service. When I talk to bank employees, this community involve- ment is a key part of why they chose banking as a career. It is a big part of why millennials are attracted to banking as a profession. For many, finding a career where they spend their day working to make their community stronger, safer and more vibrant is a dream come true. All we have to do is help them understand how helping people save, budget, borrow responsibly and engage in local causes makes life better for everyone in a community. Working for Utah’s banks this past 20 years, I have been ex- posed to many, sobering challenges facing our community. The last thing we need is more hate and intolerance. I am hopeful that as we watch the acts of kindness in response to challenges in other parts of the country, those acts of kindness will be con- tagious and lead Utahns to reach out to our neighbors in Texas and to each other with compassion. n THE BEST NUMBER TO HELP YOU DRIVE YOUR SMALL BUSINESS CLIENTS TO NEW HEIGHTS. For operating capital needs, talk to us about SBA Community Advantage (7a) Loans. 801.474.3232 | Partner with us on SBA 504 Loans • Purchase land and equipment • Buy, build or remodel a building • Lower monthly payments • 10- to 20-year fixed rates • As little as 10% down Utah’s #1 Small Business Lender