Pub. 9 2021 Issue 2


40 Year Service Awards 2021

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This story appears in the
Utah Banker Magazine Pub. 9 2021 Issue 2

Six bankers were honored with 40 Year Service awards at the 113th Annual UBA Convention held in Sun Valley on June 29, 2021.

Honored at this year’s event were: Frank Browning, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Utah,; Dawna Dehart, Chief Administrative Officer, Cache Valley Bank;, Pete Ellison, Board Member, First Community Bank;, Kent Landvatter, CEO, FinWise Bank,; Ron Ostler, President, Comenity Bank;, and Lanor Warby, Executive Vice President, State Bank of Southern Utah.

The award is designed to honor bankers within the banking industry who have given their time and service to the benefit of banking. To be eligible, honorees must have achieved 40 years of continuous service in banking, be currently employed by a member institution, meet the established criteria for the award and be nominated by their Bank’s CEO.

We would like to express a special thanks to these individuals for their long-standing service to the banking industry. Congratulations!